Mom was nagging me about not updating my page! She sure is one to talk. Listen, there was only one squirrel here, but that didn’t stop me. I just schmoozed all of the nice guys around here to give me treats! Lots and lots of Treats! I also met lots of other dogs. To all of my friends: Dee-Oh-Gee, Rusty, Roper, Toby, Emma, Tootsie, Scooter and Maggie – We will see you down the road! See a couple of […]
Category Archives: Rosie’s Posts
Boys Boys Boys!
I am happy to report that there are many boys here in New Braunfels! I have met several new boyfriends. I am very popular! Thanks to my buddies: Harley, Scooters, Carty and Butch. It was fun hanging with you at the Dog Park! Too bad Mom and Dad insist on leaving on Friday. Time to go to Corpus Christi, Mom and Dad want to take me to the beach! HoHum! A girl has to do what ever her people want […]
Hill Country
Well, I have to report, that my play date with Winston didn’t work out. There was so much rain, we couldn’t go to the dog park. Drat, He was a cutie! So, now we have moved to New Braunfels, Texas. So far I have seen some dogs (but no squirrels). Hope I find some today! I don’t know what boyfriend material there is here, but you can bet I will find out! I will let you know.
Escapees RV Park
I haven’t written in awhile! Just figured out that I don’t have thumbs…what’s with that! I have been doing my best to chase all of the squirrels, ducks and horses I can. This morning was good, I treed three squirrels and saw three more that were smart enough to run. I like Livingston, Texas Mom likes the rain, but I am not that crazy about it – it cuts into my walking time! Just met a new boyfriend. Another Cardi […]
Levi Jackson State Park
I sure had fun at this park! I am the best at “treeing” those squirrels, but chasing ducks is fun too! Bring it on…
Poppy Mountain General Store
Here are me and Dad at the General Store – Chillin’! I like the sunshine and I want to go for a walk!
Queen of Poppy Mountain!
I have been here for two weeks, and I own the place! Everyone thinks I am the “Cat’s Meow”, excuse the pun! I have new friends: Two barn Kittens, two Coon Dogs and a Pony! This place is cool. No squirrels yet, but I am sure I will get to “tree” something. Here is a picture of Mom and Me in front of the Poppy Mountain General Store!
Busy, Busy Busy!
Mom and Dad have been so busy visiting with Auntie Gayle’s family and Uncle Mark’s family, that mom hasn’t been posting like (squirrel) she should be! While I think the Wisconsin Dells are swell (squirrel), I didn’t get to go to one Water Park! The humans went to not one, not two, but three water parks! (squirrel) While they got wild and wet, I did my duty and treed as many squirrels as I could! Then while visiting Grandma at […]
Hey, what’s that?
Boy, I don’t look out the window for one minute and lookie here! Boys, Boys Boys! It’s my new boyfriends – Gordon and Dudley! Yummie